With the hot weather, I have been more inside. A good opportunity to finish a couple of paintings and get some cleaning done.
The sunrise painting was started this winter, when I had to get up early to take Robert to work and drove back home with the sun rising. Sometimes it was hard to drive as I was blinded by the strong light, at other times you just wanted to be able to stop the car and enjoy the beautiful view, but that was impossible on the freeway and there was just enough time to get home, eat some breakfast, take care of the animals and take Gabriel to his first class.The White Prickly Poppies are of the thistle family, I believe. They are so beautiful, they cheer me whenever I see them. I discovered a yellow cousin on my walks with Maya. The background was inspired by driving on the freeway and seeing a wall of flowers, yellow and purple so thick that almost no green was visible, on the hillside of the road. I gave the top the canyon pattern and added the turquoise sky to remind myself of the Native Americans, their love of turquoise and their canyons. The painting kind of happened and the explanation came as thoughts after it was finished. I have never seen wildflowers in other countries like the ones in Texas.
A Bowl of Cherries, Oil 2010. My dear friend, Cheryl, and I used to love getting together, sharing what was going on in our lives and in cherry season: eating cherries. She just moved to College Station, we will all miss her, her family and her hospitality. This is your painting, Cheryl! When I was working on it, I had thoughts of another cherry painting hanging in Simone's kitchen in Perpignan (France) (anybody knowing Simone will have visions of joyful gatherings and true friendship). Cherries also remind me of my brother, Sjoera, and of cherries bought from the farmer along the river Vecht and shared with Sjoera, Sacha, Dimitri and Boris.