Saturday, October 1, 2016

Autumn 2016

Dear Friends,
The art show was a great success! Thanks to everybody who came to the show! We enjoyed having you! Thank you for making the time! Thank you for the gifts you brought, thank you for the cards, prints and originals you bought and thank you for trusting me with the commissions. Seven originals sold and I now have eight commissions, mostly portraits in oil. I am happily back at work painting which I so enjoy.

Ingrid before the Train to Crystal City, graphite 2016
Ingrid's portrait was drawn because of a talk about the book the Train to Crystal City and a competition. When Jan Jarboe Russell talked about her book at Barnes and Noble last spring, I had not read it. I was there because of friends, but I was impressed with what Jan said. It was a sad subject, though, and I thought I would read the book someday, preferring happy tales. In Houston a few weeks later, I was told to enter the Holocaust Museum exhibit by a gallery owner I respect. The title of the exhibit was Man's Inhumanity to Mankind. Only I had no idea what to submit. All of a sudden it occurred to me to do a pencil portrait of one of the heroines in the book, I remembered being interested in the old photographs. I got permission and contact information and read the book. I felt a connection to Ingrid and got a photograph to work from. The drawing wasn't selected, but Ingrid's daughter bought it and is happy with it. It won a ribbon for her and her family, she said.

Holocaust, oil on canvas, 30 x 40", 2016
Holocaust was the painting that most people talked about at our art show. I painted the dead oak tree onto an experimental canvas, after some glazing and a some touch ups here and there, it was ready. It was not selected for the Houston exhibit either. At the art show people saw women in the painting, which was fun, because I was not aware of it at all!
I am looking forward to visiting the exhibit at the Holocaust Museum this month.

Water 2, watercolor, 11 x 14"

My watercolor Water 2 was chosen to be included in the 2017 Syracuse Cultural Workers' Datebook! I am very excited about it!

I've got Wings, watercolor, 9x12", 2016
 My art is on display at
- the beautifully renovated River Art Gallery in La Villita
-Dr Robert Rodriguez' dental office on Blanco,
-Munch on and Beyond on Wetmore,
all three in San Antonio, TX

It can also be seen at:
- the Art Center for the Islands in Port Aransas, TX
- Yellow Rose Gallery of Fine Art in Rockport, TX

On October 29th I will do a demo and show my art in Waring, TX
In December 2016 my art will be hanging at Viva Vegeria in San Antonio, TX

There is more information on our art show and the datebook on facebook at
My website is still at