Thursday, September 20, 2012

Latest Creations

This blog is dedicated to my friend, Olga, whose birthday it is today. I could write a whole blog about Olga. She is generous, has a heart of gold, is faithful, a wonderful wife and mother. She is beautiful, intelligent, hard-working and fun loving. Happy Birthday, Olga!

Red Hills sums up my vacation. It was painted using a photograph I took at Uplistsikhe in the Republic of Georgia. I was thinking about these hills showing what the landscape might have looked like before the rock-hewn dwellings were made. The low hills in the desert of Azerbaijan and the natural gas burning eternally right out of the ground around Baku crept into it. And last of all our anniversary trip to New Mexico with a visit to the O'Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe and Ghost Ranch left their mark.
The lines in the foreground may refer to some ancient structure or use. Walnut trees are a common sight in Georgia and a cheerful one to me.

Petroglyph Parrot was painted in New Mexico from a sketch at Petroglyph National Monument. It was very hot at the monument, painting on location was no option. My husband, Robert, who enjoyed the petroglyphs and vacation as much as myself had a seizure during the trip. He is back at work and doing well now. We spent the last month finding out what may have caused it, what to do to prevent any future ones and living as healthily as possible. Two new developments came from this experience: Robert has decided to be proactive about his health like never before and he wants me to earn money. I see his point and am ready to be proactive as never before about making art and finding a market for it. Do you have any suggestions or ideas that might help me? I will give them a fair try. Thank you!