Art news from May.
As my last blog was long, I will keep this one short.
I hope you continue to do well.
My 40% donation to SARA Sanctuary of all artwork and products bought continues this month.
Retama Dusk, oil 11 x14" |
Retama dusk is a study and abstraction of Retama (or Palo Verde) branches. I left a lot of branches out of the picture, for even this relatively simple tree is overwhelming in its complexity.
Remembering a Cat at Mission Espada, watercolor, 5 x 7" |
This is a painting inspired by an orange tabby who was always hanging around Mission Espada 15 or more years ago and wanted to get into the church. Around Christmas time, there was even a statue of him in the beautiful Nativity inside the Mission!
This piece is my contribution to the Say Si (Small Scale) fundraiser this year. The Auction will be from June 12th-26th online. June 26th in the final Auction Night. ( This year the whole event will be online!
Monaco Cats, watercolor, 11 x 14" |
Monaco Cats are in the mail to my cousin. I saw the church of Sainte Devote and the statue on an earlier visit. I was impressed by the statue and liked the church. Instead of putting my cats in a San Antonio decor, it seemed fitting to show them in Monte Carlo.