Monday, December 19, 2011

Facing Niaux Cave, France 2011

This is the view on the road just before you reach the modern entrance. I added the animals, of course. Niaux is in the Pyrenees not far from Foix. Our trip underground was made harder, because there is no walkway. Stalagmites have been sold to tourists a long time ago (yes, I found that very sad), but new stalagmites are being created and walking on one is dangerously slippery. The only electricity is in the "salon noir", where each panel of paintings (featuring bison, horses and "bouquetin" Spanish Ibex) is lit up for a short time during your visit, the ceiling is 50 m high and the acoustics are phenomenal. It is such a wonderful place and I was glad to see how many young children were taken there on school field trips.

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