Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

 I wish you a magical holiday season!
Thank you for your continued interest in and support of my work and favorite occupation.
Many of you know that I spent the last months in company with the 4 brothers. The painting was delivered yesterday and I will miss the brothers. It is my biggest painting yet (30x40", 76 x 101cm), took many hours and taught me a lot, including how much more there is to learn.

It is time to clean the studio, however, and focus on new art projects including an exhibit in Waring, TX in the spring.
Have a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2014!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Emily Morgan Reception

On Thursday, Dec 19th, from 6 to 8pm the TAG group has a reception in the Emily Morgan Hotel next to the Alamo in San Antonio. There will be artists' demos and a cash bar. I will be there and was thinking about going to see the Christmas lights on the Riverwalk afterwards. I haven't seen them, since I stopped working with the Italians who used to come around Christmas time. For those in the area, let me know, if you would like to come.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dec 2013, portrait comparaison

 As some of you know, I was asked to paint the same picture twice. The first one was for Justin (yellow background), the second one for his little sister (pink background). I did not look at what I had painted the first time and started from scratch for the second portrait never comparing with the first one till, at the very end, Justin pointed out a problem and showed me photographs of the painting he had at home. My goal in not comparing them was to make two very different paintings. If I ever find myself in this situation again, I will probably start comparing earlier. Yes, Phyllis, I find (like you do) that I can see errors better in a photograph of the painting than the painting itself.
I find it interesting to compare the faces. Enjoy!