Thursday, May 19, 2016

April and May 2016

Kendra, pencil, 11x14"
Kendra, oil portrait 2015
 Kendra's pencil portrait is inspired by the work of Odilon Redon, who has profiles of women and flowers together in his beautiful spiritual paintings. I have wanted to draw and paint a profile  with flowers for a while. Merci, Simone C, de me prĂȘter ton beau catalogue!
 I painted Kendra's portrait last year and I am not sure if my Redon inspired painting is going to be of her as well or not.( I do love the picture of her that her father took and which I have used for both this drawing and the painting.)
Esperanza, pencil, 11x14"
I met Esperanza a few years back and always wanted to use her photograph. This was not an easy drawing. I have struggled with it up till the very end, Now it is very dear to me. In a way it is a symbol of the Native people of San Antonio and South Texas who live their lives and do their work quietly and friendly and who are becoming ever more important to me.
 I did not use projection in either drawing. It seemed far better to see what would happen without it.

Both "Leopard Hide and Seek" and "Tribute to Tracy" found a home at the Friendraiser for SARA!

Leopard Hide and Seek

Tribute to Tracy
Thank you for reading my blog and supporting my art! The emails I get with each new blog are truly inspiring!
 Have a great summer!

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