Saturday, August 31, 2019

August 2019

This summer has gone by fast. First we had Gerald  staying with us. Then we had a wonderful family time in Connecticut and Quebec. We enjoyed being together with my cousin and Yolande and her family. I have a new favorite place: Quebec, where we saw beautiful landscapes and went whale watching.

Yolande's Canigou, oil, 16x20"

Yolande's Canigou in palettte knife is the result of re-examining the earlier version and making it more realistic. I knew the peach trees needed little alteration, the mountain was a different matter. The blossoms did need a gray blue in the hills to bring them out. A gray or white mist did not seem right, so I used the same color a little transparent. I played with different blues on the mountain and with texture, since there were a lot of previous layers.

Mondriaan Meditation, watercolor, 11x14"
Mondriaan Meditation is my first attempt to recreate my mini Mondriaan cats in a larger format. I wanted the cat to be a part of the geometric painting, not superimposed.

In September my art will be on display at La Tuna (Bar and Grill) in San Antonio. This time, I will show more oils than watercolors.
The Honoring Women exhibit will be at the School of Optometry/Rosenberg/Incarnate Word till its closing reception on Dec 8th. Thanks to all who came to see the show!

Thank you for your interest and support!


  1. Your Michelle painting is so good! It gets her appearance and spirit and energy.

    1. Thank you, Julie! Listening to Becoming read by the author, helped me better understand her (and Barack). It was very emotional for me.

  2. Vera, are my pond paintings finished to your satisfaction yet?

    1. I am working on them again. They are nearing completion!

  3. I love the Canigou revisions! Perfect! Michele Obama...perfect! And as a proud owner of a Mondrian Cat mini, I’m happy that they will appear larger! Bravo!

    1. Thank you, Linda! I am so grateful to have you in my life!
